If you buy bitcoins in Canada, Shakepay is the easiest way, with very little verification. This post describes changes in verification process at Coinberry and suggests using Shakepay instead. Recently, I logged into my Coinberry account to buy some bitcoins and was greeted with a prompt asking me to verify more information. See the image below. Up until now, I was able to make transactions with just my e-mail, phone and bank account linked. Now Coinberry is asking me for a ID docs, proof of address (utility bill I assume), and I suspect the enhanced security will be a confirm from one of their staff.

While I don’t think that Coinberry asking for more info is bad in general, as it shows they are trying to comply with AML rules in Canada. I’m a little bit annoyed and it takes time to verify an account so I’d rather just go somewhere that asks me for less info. Shakepay still allows me to buy bitcoins in Canada without any further identification checks. I’ve written another post on how to buy bitcoins with Shakepay, click here to read it.