One Month on the Boulder Strip

I’m spending the next month at an extended stay suite on the Boulder Strip.  This will be an interesting adventure since I won’t have an internet connection in my room and after hours its pretty seedy outside, I’d rather not walk around at night.  The room itself is otherwise fine, but its kinda loud, on the first night there were several times thru the night where I was woken by yelling in foreign languages.

The first thing I’ve got to find is a good running route in preparation for the Marathon I’m running in two weeks. There is some parkland/desert trails near the edge of the city a few kilometres away.  I’ll try working out something with this, maybe I can find a trail system.  I miss Summerlin already 🙁

I’m planning on completing my initial survey of Video Poker Progressives in the next week by collecting data from the Boulder Strip, then compiling the data from what I have so far and then posting online.

There is also a multiple point day each Friday and Sunday at Sam’s Town that turns a bunch of games positive, so I plan to spend some time doing this as well.
